24th Swiss Transport Research Conference

STRC | 2024


Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland


May 15-17, 2024




Speaker Affiliation Title Download
Prof. Dr. Becky Loo University of Hong Kong A paradigm shift in transportation -
Prof. Dr. Travis Waller TU Dresden How we move into the future: Automated transport planning that leverages pervasive data and evolutionary algorithms for humancentric mobility PDF 11.1MB
Prof. Dr. Bert van Wee TU Delft Controversial policies: Growing support after implementation PDF 2.3MB

About Prof. Dr. Becky Loo

Becky P.Y. Loo is Professor of Geography at the University of Hong Kong, and Chair Professor of Jiangxi Normal University. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, United Kingdom. Becky also holds an Honourary Professorship at University College London (UCL) and Beijing Jiaotong University. Her core research interests are i) transit, walkability and urban form; ii) road safety and spatial analysis; iii) sustainability and transport decarbonization; and iv) smart cities.

Becky is Founding Co-Editor-in-Chief of Travel Behaviour and Society and Associate Editor of the Journal of Transport Geography. Her research papers are advancing the state-of-the-art in transport geography and her papers are often published in top-ranking journals with impact beyond her discipline. She is committed to fostering people-oriented and place-based interdisciplinary research. Her outstanding contributions to the local community have been recognized by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government with the conferment of the Justice of Peace (JP) title.

About Prof. Dr. Travis Waller

Steven “Travis” Waller is the Lighthouse Professor and Chair of Transport Modelling and Simulation at the Technical University of Dresden, Germany, as well as a Professor at the Australian National University (ANU). Until his relocation to Germany in March 2022 he was Head of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UNSW Sydney with previous roles at UNSW including Deputy Dean of Research (Faculty of Engineering), Founding and Executive Director of the Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI) and the Advisian Chair of Transport Innovation. He began his tenure-track career at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2001 and, subsequently, at the University of Texas at Austin (where he was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2007 and full Professor in 2011).

Travis explores the modelling and simulation of complex transportation networks with particular emphasis of emerging technology and the inclusion of social values. Particular applications have emphasized inherent system characteristics (e.g., dynamic assignment, adaptive equilibrium, strategic equilibrium), ethical quantification (e.g., environmental justice, equity, resilience) and emerging technology for planning tools (e.g., automation, decision-support). Across the aforementioned and related areas, he has published more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific journal papers, supervised 43 completed PhD students and conducted over 60 funded research projects for 40 global sponsors.

About Prof. Dr. Bert van Wee

Bert van Wee is professor in Transport Policy at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, faculty Technology, Policy and Management (since 2003). His main interests are in long-term developments in transport, in particular in the areas of accessibility, land-use transport interaction, (evaluation of) large infrastructure projects, the environment, safety, policy analyses and ethics.

His research interests are in transport policy relevant issues, such as environmental impacts, accessibility, evaluation of policies, plans, and infrastructure projects, land-use and transport interaction, transport and ethics, and the role of technology in the transport system and related policy relevant effects.

All sessions

Speaker/s Affiliation Title Download
Abdelfattah & Alahi EPFL S-JEPA: Skeleton joint embedding predictive architecture for self-supervised action recognition -
Anagnostopoulos & Geroliminis EPFL Modeling mode dependent lane discipline in hybrid traffic -
Ancel & Mathys ARE Who owns light commercial vehicles? An empirical analysis in Switzerland PDF 1.5MB
Ataç & de Lapparent EPFL Exploring electric vehicle charging dynamics: Literature review and future framework PDF 0.4MB
Ballo, Sallard, Meyer de Freitas, Axhausen ETHZ Accessibility in an E-Bike City PDF 1.2MB
Balthasar, Ohnmacht, Walter HSLU Fare-reduction vouchers for pupils on public transport: Comparison of first and second survey-wave PDF 0.6MB
Baud, Paschalidis, Vortisch, Beine, Bierlaire EPFL Migration patterns of Europeans after Brexit PDF 0.5MB
Blättler, Wallimann, von Arx HSLU Does a free arrival and departure offer for tourists lead to a mode shift towards public transport? -
Borhani EPFL OpenPifPaf++: Towards a unified framework for multi-category -
Bruening UNISG Seamless intermodality: Exploring consumer preferences for public transport and shared micromobility bundles PDF 0.5MB
Corbière, Roburin, Alahi EPFL Taking the driving theory test with vision-language models -
Cortes Balcells, Krueger, Bierlaire EPFL & DTU Enhancing epidemiological models with activity-travel behavior and risk perception: A simulation framework for policy management PDF 2.0MB
Danalet, Bischoff, Noll, Seematter, Heckly, Bützberger SBB Agent-based simulation of peak pricing in Switzerland -
De Almeida Costa & Corman ETHZ How rational are travellers in Zurich? Exploring public transport trips from a shortest path perspective PDF 1.9MB
El-Baklish, Kouvelas, Makridis ETHZ A variable time gap feedback policy for string stable adaptive cruise control PDF 1.0MB
Elliot, Wicki, Axhausen ETHZ Unveiling public sentiment: Analyzing commenter feedback on the Zurich E-Bike City research project PDF 0.6MB
Elvarsson, Marggi, Adey ETHZ A methodology to identify and assess transport infrastructure development considering land-use uncertainty PDF 1.0MB
Farahani & Zhang EPFL Multi-hop control scheme for urban traffic congestion mitigation with non-compliant users -
Fayed, Nilsson, Geroliminis EPFL On the effect of batching for on-demand high-capacity microtransit services PDF 1.2MB
Fuchs, Leutwiler, Corman ETHZ Efficient railway timetabling and vehicle circulation: A novel SMT framework application -
Gao S., Shirazian, Ward, Koks VU NL Understanding the spatial-temporal dynamic vulnerability for multi-modal transportation networks under extreme weather -
Gao Y. EPFL Multi-transmotion: Multi-modal multi-task human motion prediction -
Haering, Legault, Torres, Bierlaire EPFL & MIT Fast algorithms for capacitated continuous pricing with discrete choice demand models PDF 2.3MB
Haghighi EPFL Scene-aware human motion generation -
Hardegger, van Eggermond, Schaffner, Haiderer, Gantenbein FHNW Integration of S-pedelecs into the existing mobility system: Acceptance of regulations and infrastructure from a user-centered perspective -
Heimgartner, Lichtin, Axhausen ETHZ Preferred strategies to reduce CO2-emissions by 30%: Insights from a multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model PDF 3.1MB
Hoerler ZHAW How to decrease the need for large and high range battery electric vehicles PDF 1.6MB
Hong, Zhang, Raubal ETHZ Towards realistic individual activity location demand synthesis using deep generative networks PDF 1.3MB
Hosseininejad EPFL Predictive uncertainty in human pose forecasting -
Kim & Geroliminis EPFL Lane changing behavior prediction in the urban signalized road -
Klasovitá & Corman ETHZ Including uncertainties in line planning and timetabling PDF 0.7MB
Kukic & Bierlaire EPFL Synthetic population projections and unforeseen events: A hybrid simulation approach -
Lordieck ETHZ A railway system in the multidimensional state space – Applications of empirical dynamic modelling -
Luan EPFL Bird’s-eye-view human trajectory prediction from camera -
Maljkovic, Nilsson, Geroliminis EPFL A blotto game approach to ride-hailing markets with electric vehicles -
Marggi, Elvarsson, Adey ETHZ Implementing early-stage highway planning support in Dübendorf-Hinwil considering uncertain land-use and mobility demand PDF 1.7MB
Martin-Iradi, Corman, Geroliminis ETHZ & EPFL Dynamic capacity planning for demand-responsive multimodal transit PDF 0.6MB
Meister, Balać, Axhausen ETHZ Incorporating discrete route choice models into the agent-based simulations -
Messaoud, Grosse, Chen, Cord, Pérez, Alahi EPFL Manipulating trajectory prediction with backdoors PDF 2.9MB
Ni, Kouvelas, Makridis ETHZ & ZHAW A new link-level urban traffic modeling paradigm based on interrupted flow fundamental diagrams PDF 0.6MB
Nold & Corman ETHZ Calibration of vehicle simulations by using acceleration sensors -
Ortelli, de Lapparent, Bierlaire EPFL A conditional trust-region algorithm for the estimation of discrete choice models PDF 0.4MB
Rahimi & Alahi EPFL HPTP: Including human preference in trajectory prediction models PDF 0.6MB
Rezvany, Hillel, Bierlaire EPFL & UCL Household-level choice-set generation and parameter estimation in activity-based models PDF 3.7MB
Riehl, Kouvelas, Makridis ETHZ Priority pass: Signal control with focus on needs PDF 0.7MB
Saadatnejad, Gao, Rezatofighi, Alahi EPFL & Monash University JRDB-Traj: A dataset and benchmark for trajectory forecasting in crowds PDF 5.0MB
Schmid & Mathys ARE Preferences for transport policy measures in Switzerland PDF 0.7MB
Shukla, Salzmann, Alahi EPFL TIC-TAC: A framework for improved covariance estimation in deep heteroscedastic regression PDF 0.1MB
Spanninger, Marra, Corman ETHZ Real-time information in public transport systems -
Sticher & Blättler HSLU Public-transportation credits: The potential of three-part tariffs in public transportation PDF 0.9MB
Stiebe & von Arx HSLU Comparative analysis of user characteristics and use patterns in free-floating and station-based e-bike sharing systems – Insights from the Basel metropolitan area PDF 4.7MB
Sun, Zhang, Axenie, Grossi, Kouvelas, Makridis ETHZ, TH Nürnberg, Huawei The fragile nature of road transportation systems PDF 5.1MB
Tak, Fonod, Geroliminis EPFL Deep learning-based visual vehicle re-identification - Using spatio-temporal information in urban traffic -
Trepat Borecka, Corman, Bešinović ETHZ & TU Dresden A simulation-based local search algorithm for real-time mitigation of power peaks in railway networks PDF 1.0MB
van Delft EPFL Navigating the unknown: Adaptive input enhancement for AI generalization -
von Arx HLSU Obstacles to economic sustainability of free-floating e-bike sharing systems: A Basel-based case study -
Wallimann HSLU Austria's KlimaTicket: Assessing the short-term impact of a cheap nationwide travel pass on demand PDF 0.9MB
Wang & Geroliminis EPFL Dynamic ride-sourcing optimization through spatially aggregated flow maximization -
Wiedemann, Nöbel, Martin, Ballo, Raubal ETHZ Bike network planning in limited urban space PDF 2.5MB
Xiong EPFL Multi-source urban traffic prediction using drone and loop detector data -
Yang, Stokkink, Geroliminis EPFL Modelling and optimization of flexible users in large-scale ridesharing systems -
Yao & Zhang EPFL How would a mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) platform survive as an intermediary? From the viewpoint of stability in many-to-many matching PDF 2.4MB
Zeier, Zani, Uhr, Deublein, Adey EPFL & BFU Potential and systematisation of video-based analysis of bicycle conflicts PDF 1.9MB
Zhang, Kouvelas, Makridis ETHZ A time-varying shockwave speed model for trajectory reconstruction using Lagrangian and Eulerian observations PDF 6.1MB
Zhu, Ferrari-Trecate, Geroliminis EPFL Path-planning algorithm for ride-sharing systems PDF 0.2MB

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